Japanese-Philippine Conference For Urban Redevelopment Of Tacloban City

  • 申請団体 Japan Society For Asian Pacific Properties Studies
  • 日本
    • 学術・知的交流
    • 環境・防災
  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成27 (2015) 年度
JPY 1,724,200

The main purpose of this conference is the study on the urban redevelopment process in Tacloban City (Philippines), affected by the Typhoon Yolanda in 2013. This conference was aimed at contributing to the scientific transfer between Japan and The Philippines, stressing the necessity of cooperation between both countries in the field of disaster management. This includes: the evolution of work in affected areas; design of specific guidelines for recovery and redevelopment of prioritized areas; implementation of redevelopment strategies in local urban and disaster management policies. This conference contributed for; Local authorities of Tacloban were be provided with tools to devise its own urban planning strategies; Lower social strata benefited from a new resilient urban model; Tacloban City acted as the leading municipality in order to promote a new urban policy for natural risk assessment in The Philippines; It promoted education and citizenship participation in disaster prevention. Improvement in resiliency against natural disasters in Tacloban City as a model for The Philippines is expected, through the knowledge transfer from Japanese know-how in this matter.

日本, フィリピン
Eastern Visayas State University



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