Asia Performance Art Workshop

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 1,322,963
Country of Activity

日本からは霜田誠二、倉田めば、諸見里太志、早川カナ、濱田明李、島崎真実、杉野晋平、及川菜摘、厳振涛の9名が参加し、アジアからはフィリピン(ボエット・デメッサ、サム・ペナッソ、ケイ・オエック)、バングラデシュ(ジョイデブ・ロアジャ)、インドネシア(W クリスチアワン)、ミャンマー(タイタール)、中国(ドンジンリン)、韓国(パク・ジュヨン)など8ヶ国計17名のアーティストを招へい。ほとんどのアーティストが初めてのベトナム滞在であり、また、互いに初めて会うアーティストも多く、アジアのつながりを強く持てる体験となった。

Related Countries
Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, China, South Korea
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Nha San Collective
The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

From the Organizer

・ 事業を行って得た成果
・ 今後の展望や課題
・ 助成を受けての所感

Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

SCENE/ASIA : Movement Toward Active Spectatorship

Play Campaign 2019 – Sharing experience of Japanese Adventure playground, the concept of Playworker and advocacy of adventure playground between Japan – Vietnam, in the meaning of modern education view for children

SCENE/ASIA : Movement Toward Active Spectatorship

Japan – Vietnam Collaborative Theatre Project

Sustainment and Development of the Platform for Asia, Women, and Performing Arts

Co-production of Program and Workshop with TV Media 2015! IN VIETNAM


Setouchi Asia Village

Asia Plays 2019 Book Publishing and Launching

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Indigenous Youth in the Philippines and Indonesia

Cambodia Opera Project 2019

Multitude of Peer Gynts: An Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

Richard Sandaime

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

★Month of Art Practice – an annual art exchange and learning platform