Asia Plays 2019 Book Publishing and Launching

  • Organizer Name Umar Kayam Foundation
  • Indonesia
    • Theater
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2020
Grant Amount
JPY 1,526,000
Country of Activity
online, Cambodia, Vietnam

(FY 2019)
After organizing Asia Palywrights Meeting 2019, the committee felt it is important to publish the work collected in the meeting, as a way to connecting the plays to the neighborhood in Southeast Asia and Japan. The book will contain the plays presented in Asia Playwrights Meeting 2019. By Publishing and distributing the publication, we hoped that it will introduce the theatre scene in Asia, especially within the region, so it will open up a chance to collaborate between Asian artist.

(FY 2020)
After organizing Asia Palywrights Meeting 2019, the committee felt it is important to publish the work collected in the meeting, as a way to connecting the plays to the neighborhood in Southeast Asia and Japan. The book will contain the plays presented in Asia Playwrights Meeting 2019. By Publishing and distributing the publication, we hoped that it will introduce the theatre scene in Asia, especially within the region, so it will open up a chance to collaborate between Asian artist.

Related Projects
Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival – Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Tra Nguyen (Ho Chi Minh Theatre Collective)
Komunitas Sakatoya
Sopheak Soung

From the Organizer

(FY 2019)
The project is planned before the Covid-19 outbreak in Asia, it should be held entirely in 2020 but because of the restriction during the pandemic we can only do the event in Vietnam and publication of the book in 2020. We will continue the project in 2021, and we hope to extend the cooperation between Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival, Yayasan Umar Kayam and Japan Foundation for the future development of the project.

(FY 2020)
The project is planned before the Covid-19 outbreak in Asia, it should be held entirely in 2020 but because of the restriction during the pandemic we can only do the event in Vietnam and publication of the book in 2020. Finally, we had a chance to organize the event in Pnom Pen in 2021 through online platform. We will continue the project by organizing Asia Playwrights Meeting 2022.

Projects related to this Grantee


Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival – Asian Playwrights Meeting 2019

Countries of Activity

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Contemporary Vietnamese Cinema Research and Screenings

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Kolektif Asia

Regional exchange programme on sustainable community development through community learning centres (CLCs)


Contemporary Asian Masks:Reconfiguration and Transformation

ON-PAM Asia Meeting in Singapore

Seinendan + Osaka University Robot Theatre Project “Metamorphosis” Android Version Tour to Beijing, Taipei, Penang and Bangkok

The YOUKIZA & Youth Theatre of Vietnam 2016 collaboration “WILD DUCK ADDICTION”

Symposium & Concert “Tradition and Creation in Asia Noh x Contemporary Music Vol.4″

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