ろう者と協同する人形劇団、ラオス×日本の共同ワークショップ プロジェクト

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2020
Grant Amount
JPY 3,123,265
Country of Activity
Japan, Laos, online


Project’s website http://www.puppet.or.jp/puppetArchives/entryarchive/2021laows.html
Achievements of FY 2018 https://grant-fellowship-db.jfac.jp/en/grant/cc1814/

Related Countries
Japan, Laos
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Khao Niew Lao Theatre

From the Organizer

特にラオスの独自の表現手法は、豊かな自然と生活から生まれたもので、それを日本の演者が体感できた ことは大きかった。また、日本に比べ遥かに社会参加の機会が少ないラオスのろう者が、来日して、同じ立場にある表現者や団体とも交流し視野を広げることができたことも、彼らの活動の活性化に大きな意義があった。

Projects related to this Grantee


Collaboration Workshop between two puppet theaters that deaf people join in Laos and Japan

Countries of Activity

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Yokohama Paratoriennale 2017

130th Anniversary of Japan – Thailand Relations Concert by FEROCI PHILHARMONIC WINDS

Empowerment of Children through Educational Theater: Learning from PETA’s Creative Process of Using Arts

International Co-production — RE/PLAY DANCE Edit

Japan & Myanmar Partnership Movie Production Project


Asia Performance Art Workshop

Contemporary Asian Masks:Reconfiguration and Transformation

KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform

Multitude of Peer Gynts – an Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

Sustainment and Development of the Platform for Asia, Women, and Performing Arts

Asian Arts Center Network