Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project

  • Organizer Name Institute of UNESCO World Heritage, Waseda University
  • Japan
    • Traditional Culture/Cultural Heritage
    • Intellectual Exchange
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2016
Grant Amount
JPY 2,100,000
Country of Activity

2016年度は4月の北面屋根上部の脆弱煉瓦の解体工事と各層の記録に始まり、解体煉瓦部材の修理、北面屋根上部の再構築工事を順次進め、現地Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project、サイトマネージャーSo Sokunthearyをはじめとする各機関・各協力者と連携の下に進めた。

Achievements of FY 2015

Related Countries
Japan, Cambodia
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project
Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia
Japan APSARA Safeguarding Cambodia
So Sokuntheary
田畑 幸嗣

Projects related to this Grantee


Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project

Human resource development related to conservation of the Sambor Prei Kuk Heritage Sites in Cambodia

Countries of Activity

“Cross Transit” Project

(日) アンコール・ワット修復人材養成プロジェクト (英) Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Human resource development related to conservation of the Sambor Prei Kuk Heritage Sites in Cambodia

Akiko Kitamura’s Asian Dance Project, Collaboration Vol. 2 “Cross Transit – Final Chapter”

Meikyu-kai ASEAN Baseball Clinic

Yokohama Paratoriennale 2017


ONE ASIA Joint Concert 2016

Cultural Exchange and Collaborative Production of Indonesia-Japan Traditional Dyeing

Contemporary Asian Masks:Reconfiguration and Transformation

Preserve, invigorate and reinvent Beaten Bark Heritage in Indonesia: multinational collaboration project for save Wayang Beber

The YOUKIZA & Youth Theatre of Vietnam 2015 collaboration “WILD DUCK ADDICTION”

Project for the Restoration and the Human Resources in Angkor Wat

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Human resource development related to conservation of the Sambor Prei Kuk Heritage Sites in Cambodia

Sambor Prei Kuk Conservation Project