Towards the “Stories of the Community” as a Movement: Setagaya-Singapore international community theatre collaboration

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2020
Grant Amount
JPY 1,420,000
Country of Activity
Japan, Singapore

助成期間終了後も、ワークショップと共有セッションを継続し、成果は2022年に8月に東京、シン ガポールそれぞれで発表する予定である。

Achievements of FY 2018

Related Countries
Japan, Singapore
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Drama Box

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee


Story of Communities: Setagaya-Singapore international community theatre collaboration

Countries of Activity

Yokohama Paratoriennale 2017

Asia Pacific Dyslexia Forum 2020

Searching for A New Asian Order in the Indo-Pacific Region:IntellectualCollaboration of Asian Studies in Japan,ASEAN,Australia and India

Kuricorder & Friends Asia 6-nation Music & Art Collaboration Project

Yamagata Documentary Dojo 2018 

Heritage Tourism Research Project


Japan – Vietnam Collaborative Theatre Project

The Crossing Text: Between Mystery and Mystical

Creators’ Cradle Circuit Work In Progress 2019-2020: How to Make a Transnational Mobile Festival for Emerging Performing Arts in Asia

one table two chairs meeting 2017

1st Ed. The Creators’ Cradle Circuit Transnational Mobile Festival and Platform

Japan/Philippines/Thailand Asia collaborative project