ジャパンスタディトリップ 2016

  • 申請団体 シンガポール国立大学リー・クアン・ユー公共政策大学院 ジャパンスタディトリップ実行委員会
  • シンガポール
    • 学術・知的交流
  • アジア・文化創造協働助成
平成27 (2015) 年度
JPY 5,885,100
シンガポール, 日本

In the year of 2016 which was the 6th Japan Study Trip, we mainly focused on three topics, “Japan and Asian security”, “Industry, science and technology policy”, and “Education policy”. We provided lectures and opportunities for exchange of opinions with a variety of stakeholders playing pivotal roles in public policy arena. We held the Japan Study Trip Preliminary Lectures by inviting guests from the Japan Creative Centre (JCC) and the CLAIR for preparation of the study trip. The lectures were important opportunities for students especially who had never been to Japan before. Moreover, the students initiated group study projects. During the trip, the students visited Hiroshima, Kyoto and Tokyo. They had opportunities to exchange opinions on sustainable economic development of Japan with various aspects such as politics, economy, culture, history, tradition, geography and climate. Throughout the trip, we promoted mutual understandings and exchanges of individuals and organizations in Asian countries and Japan from various perspectives including Japan’s political economy, culture, and history. We held a wrap-up presentation conference at LKYSPP after the trip, inviting guests from the JCC and the CLAIR. There the students presented their policy recommendations about key policy issues of Japan.

2016年度採択事業 https://grant-fellowship-db.jfac.jp/ja/grant/cc1657/
2017年度採択事業 https://grant-fellowship-db.jfac.jp/ja/grant/cc1739/ 

日本, シンガポール



ジャパンスタディトリップ 2017


AUN J クラシック・オーケストラ“ONE ASIA Joint Concert 2015”

「ZETTAI RED」 シンガポールミュージシャンとの協業によるパフォーマンス作品の上演


日本棋院 ASEAN 囲碁研修

browsing copy

山形ドキュメンタリー道場 2019


The Tale of Two Countries: The Future of Urban Kampung and Cityness

インドネシアの消滅の危機にあるBeaten Bark製の絵巻物ワヤンベベルの保全継承を、社会全体で具体的に促進していく日イ協働の支援・応援プロジェクト

30th Asia Pacific Roundtable (APR)

演劇教育による子どもたちのエンパワーメント-PETAの“Safety Zone”構築に学ぶ-


木質フォーラム in The Philippines


ジャパンスタディトリップ 2017

ジャパンスタディトリップ2018 (日本の政策や技術等の学習を通じた日本と世界各国の若手リーダーとの国際交流事業)