Community art project in afflicted areas of Tsunami – Japan, Aceh and Malaysia –

  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2018
Grant Amount
JPY 6,017,670
Country of Activity
Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan


Achievements of FY 2019
Achievements of FY 2017
Achievements of FY 2016
Aceh-Japan Community Art Project 2018 Website
Sanriku International Art Festival 2019 - Dialogue with the future, Sanriku and Indonesia Website

Related Countries
Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Aceh Community Art Consorsium
Atsushi Kadowaki

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee


Community Art Project between Japan and Aceh, Indonesia

Community Art Project in Afflicted Areas of Tsunami – Japan and Aceh –

Countries of Activity

Cultural Exchange and Collaborative Production of Indonesia-Japan Traditional Dyeing

Measuring Social Enterprise Research Exchange and Learning in Asia (MSE-REAL)

Japanese and Southeast Asian collaboration project of performing arts

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’ Dialogue

Asia City Pop Network Research Trip

Asian Dramaturgs’ Network 2018 Satellite Meetings


JIWA: Jakarta Biennale 2017

Tokyo University of the Arts “Silk Road” Special Exhibition

Cultural Exchange and Collaborative Production of Indonesia-Japan Traditional Dyeing

AIR CAMP 2017 in Rikuzentakata – Life and Creation

Yokohama Paratoriennale 2017

The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Community Art Project between Japan and Aceh, Indonesia