Empowerment of Minority Peoples of Asia and Pan-Pacific through Food 3 Years Plan

  • Organizer Name Slow Food Nippon
  • Japan
    • Others (Social)
    • Traditional Culture/Cultural Heritage
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2019
Grant Amount
JPY 3,877,821
Country of Activity

ASEANを中心としたアジア・環太平洋の先住民族とその支援団体から、27ヵ国150名の食と一次産業に関わるキーパーソンを招聘し、4日間のシンンポジウムと分科会を実施した。「Indigenous Terra Madre」とは、世界160か国8万人の会員を有し、食環境や生産者の課題解決に取り組む世界最大の食のプラットフォームSlow Foodの取組みの一つであり、今年度はそのアジア・環太平洋版として、これまでアイヌの食文化を世界に発信する活動で連携してきたと がホストを担った。

Project Website https://slowfoodnippon.wixsite.com/website/itm-old

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, italy, U.S.A., Nicaragua
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Slow Food International
Ainu Women’s Association Menoko Mosmos
The Christensen Fund
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Pawanka Fund
Tamalpais Trust

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee


Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples of Asia and Pan-Pacific through Food 3 Years Project(Year 2)

Countries of Activity

Japan/Philippines/Thailand Asia collaborative project

The 60th anniversary of Japanese and Lao Diplomatic Relations Movie Project 

2nd Japan Study Tour


Nara International Film Festival 2016 “OUT IN JAPAN×NIFF”

Co-production of Program and Workshop with TV Media 2015! IN VIETNAM


Heritage Tourism Research Project

The start of “Mobile Toy Art Museum” Traveling exhibition in Myanmar, to nurture and exchange an intellectual curiosity through Japanese culture of play

Regional exchange programme on sustainable community development through community learning centres (CLCs)

Japan Study Trip 2018

Strengthening Japan-Thailand Research Network on Cultures of Transnationalism and Diaspora

Aichi International Women’s Film Festival 2015

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples of Asia and Pan-Pacific through Food 3 Years Project(Year 2)