Green Initiative Week in Indonesia Joint Program on Green City and Architecture with South East Asian Countries

  • Organizer Name ARCHI-DEPOT Corporation
  • Japan
    • Intellectual Exchange
    • Urban and Community Development
    • Environmental Protection/Disaster Prevention
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2017
Grant Amount
JPY ***
Country of Activity

Click the Translation button below for English.
【採択時の概要】                                                                       環西太平洋島嶼国家として多くの共通点を有する日本・インドネシア・フィリピン3ヶ国間において、森林資源・都市生態環境・建築の木質化をめぐり市民・専門家・行政・企業を横断した広汎な議論を推し進め、森林・都市・人間を繋いだ新たな環境パラダイムに関する意識醸成とデザイン創出を目指す。

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Indonesia

Projects related to this Grantee


Green Initiative Week in the Philippines

Green Initiative Week in Japan

Countries of Activity

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Multitude of Peer Gynts – an Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

AUN J クラシック・オーケストラ“ONE ASIA Joint Concert 2015”

Asia Ice Hockey Skill Up Support Project


International Platform for Cultural Policy Research in Asia

Transformative Learning Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable ASEAN Community

Japan Study Trip 2017

Empowerment of Children through Educational Theater: Learning from PETA’s Creative Process of Using Arts

29th Asia Pacific Roundtable

The future of ASEAN and Japan from youth’s point of view