Development of disaster technical assistance and crisis mapping for the earthquake in Aceh

  • Organizer Name iknowshachu
  • Japan
    • Environmental Protection/Disaster Prevention
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2016
Grant Amount
JPY 923,431
Country of Activity


Related Countries
Japan, Indonesia

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

Yamagata Documentary Dojo 3

LAYAR: An Asian Cinema Heritage Forum

Creators’ Cradle Circuit Work In Progress: How t Make a Transnational Mobile Festival for Emerging Performing Arts in Asia

Multitude of Peer Gynts – an Inter-Asian (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) Theater Collaboration

Developmnt of Innovative Bamboo Craft by Takayuki Shimizu and Indonesian Craftspersons in Yogyakarta

Japanese and Southeast Asian collaboration project of performing arts


Green Initiative Week in the Philippines

The Preparation for and Organization of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Water Summit

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Indigenous Youth in the Philippines and Indonesia

Green Initiative Week in Indonesia Joint Program on Green City and Architecture with South East Asian Countries

2020 International Forum on Telling Live Lessons from Disasters

Developing sustainable and resilient communities in the midst of climate change