Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth of the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan

  • Organizer Name Cordillera Green Network Inc.
  • Philippines
    • Theater
    • Urban and Community Development
    • Environmental Protection/Disaster Prevention
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2020
Grant Amount
JPY 3,872,000
Country of Activity
Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, online


Project website (Facebook)
Project report
Achievements of FY 2018
Achievements of FY 2017

Related Countries
Japan, Philippines, Indonesia
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Theater & Arts Ueda
Setsu Hanasaki (Engeki Design Guild)
Komunitas Tikar Pandan
Agus Nur Amal

From the Organizer


Projects related to this Grantee


Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth in Philippines , Kapan and Indonesia

Countries of Activity

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

Manila, Tokyo, FESTIVAL OF THE RECENTLY POSSIBLE 2019: Towards an Asian Network of Digital Art & Sound

one table two chairs meeting 2018

KARNABAL Festival International Idea Exchange Platform

国際共同制作『RE/PLAY DANCE Edit.』

International Co-production — RE/PLAY DANCE Edit


Setouchi Asia Village

Japan-Vietnam Collaborative Theatre Project Chekhov-Renaissance

ON-PAM Asia Meeting in Singapore

Contemporary Asian Masks:Reconfiguration and Transformation

SCENE/ASIA : Movement Toward Active Spectatorship

Japan & Thailand Collaboration “Sleep in Peace” (temporary title) by Theater company RINKOGUN

Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Youth in Philippines , Kapan and Indonesia