Rising Indies! Tokyo-Manila

  • Organizer Name Happy Tent
  • Japan
    • Film/Moving Images
  • The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
Grant Year
Fiscal Year 2015
Grant Amount
JPY 1,910,000
Country of Activity
Philippines, Japan


Related Countries
Japan, Philippines
Co-organizer(s), Cooperator(s)
Los Otros
Green Papaya Art Project

Projects related to this Grantee

Countries of Activity

Asia Film Community

Philippines Classic Cinema Research and Screening

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Opinion Leaders’Dialogue

one table two chairs meeting 2018

Creators’ Cradle Circuit Work In Progress: How t Make a Transnational Mobile Festival for Emerging Performing Arts in Asia

Collaboration for the Conference-Workshop of Asian Composers on Reconfiguring Music,Nature,and Myth


Tokyo Docs 2017

Southeast Asia – Niigata Youth Exchanges Project with the Concept of “Community Development Backed Up by Manga and Anime Culture”

Osaka Asian Film Festival 2018

Asia Experimental Film Festival Meeting

Japan & Myanmar Partnership Movie Production Project

Japan-Indonesia Co-production Drama “WHEN YOU WISH UPON A SAKURA”