Tsutomu Saito

  • The Asia Center Fellowship Program
  • Grant Year: Fiscal Year 2014
April 13, 2015 - May 31, 2015
Country of Activity

The research of Shakespeare in Indonesia

This report surveys the current state of Shakespeare plays in Indonesia and studies how local artists understand and handle the works of Shakespeare, which continue to be performed in various forms around the world. Also, with Shakespeare as a common language, it aims to deepen mutual cultural exchange and discussion, and build a network in Asia.

Main Cities of Activity
Yogyakarta, Bintan Island, Bandung, Jakarta, Bali
Host Institution(s) / Individual(s)
Tomomi Yokosuka (Artist, based in Indonesia)
Indonesian Art and Culture Institute of Bandung (STSI Bandung)
Activity Reports
インドネシアにおけるシェイクスピア作品の調査研究の報告とインドネシアの舞台芸術の現況 (5MB)
Report on survey of the works of Shakespeare and the state of theater in Indonesia (305KB)

Fellows related to this Grantee


Ryo Hirano

Atsushi Tsubouchi

Jun Kitazawa

Masatoshi Mukoyama

Nozomu Ogawa

Takashi Horisaki

Countries of Activity

Nozomu Ogawa

Ryoya Fudetani

Jay Flores Ticar

Isamu Sakamoto

Atsushi Tsubouchi

柴田 祐輔


Fairuz Sulaiman

Atsuto Suzuki

Hiroyuki Muneshige

Yoshiji Yokoyama

山口 惠子

Ryoya Fudetani