News List

Notice: All grant programs implemented by the Asia Center ended in FY2021.

All grant programs implemented by the Asia Center ended in FY2021. Archives of past projects can be accessed t […]


国際交流基金アジアセンターでは、令和3年度助成プログラムの公募を開始いたしました。   新型コロナウイルスの世界的な流行が続く今般の状況に鑑み、令和3年度は、国境を越えた人の移動を伴わない、東南アジア地域との交 […]

アジア・文化創造協働助成 2020年度 採択一覧を掲載いたしました。

The List of Grant Awardees for FY2020 Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration has been released. […]

For the grant awardees approved in FY2019: response to the new coronavirus, COVID-19

If you consider changes in your granted project such as cessation, suspension, postponement or down-sizing in […]

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2019 2nd Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 2nd round, FY2019 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 113KB) […]

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2019 1st Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 1st round, FY2019 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 172KB) […]

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2018 2nd Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 2nd round, FY2018 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 90KB) […]


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Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2018 1st Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 1st round, FY2018 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 84KB) […]

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2017 2nd Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 2nd round, FY2017 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 103KB […]

Announcement of Grant & Fellowship Awardees [FY2017 1st Round]

List of Grant & Fellowship Awardees for 1st round, FY2017 has been released. List of Fellows (pdf / 96KB) […]

Website Launch Annoucement

We are pleased to annouce the launch of our new website “THE JAPAN FOUNDATION ASIA CENTER Grant & F […]